Monday, January 19, 2009

Avaricious Christmas

This article, titled Avaricious Christmas, I believe portrays a well-written editorial with a provocative and tense thesis. Her first sentence of the article states the obvious: "Christmas season is known as the most wonderful time of the year, at least to some." She then later poses the surprising portion of her thesis that is not as universally well-known: "And for those who work in retail, Christmas is the equivalent to a painful trip to the dentist." This surprising and tense sentence in the opening of her article will keep the readers hooked to the article because the reader will now possess the desire to fully understand what event or events transpired to cause retail workers to dislike Christmas. The event was the death of an employee after Christmas shoppers stampeded her to the ground in the final shopping days of Christmas 2008. Most readers of this article cannot relate to retail workers who detest Christmas, which will result in interested readers determined to find the particular details of why this is the authors opinion.

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