Monday, January 26, 2009

Angle of Vision

"Angle of Vision" writing has been an integral part of American literature and culture--embodying the spirit of freedom of expression and individual thought. One of the best examples of this, especially in the last several years, is American politics. There are few other topics that generate such heated discourse. Every political or intellectual critique and analysis is opinionated and is written from an "Angle of Vision."

Take the Iraq War for example. A neoconservative op-ed in the Washington Post may support the controversial belief that Saddam Hussein had WMD and was in touch with senior al-Qaida leadership daily--justifying the war. The next day, a journalist may write an article explaining that there was never WMD and the intelligence was incorrect. And maybe even the next day, a human rights group writes about the innocent who have been killed, raped, and kidnapped. Different "Angles of Vision" on the same issue.

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